what other people


have said about me

THE FACE: List of 50 people inspiring London’s nightlife

To celebrate London’s venues bouncing back stronger than ever, THE FACE has teamed up with Beefeater Gin to create New Guard: a directory of people shaping the future of nightlife in the city.


The BME Powerlist: 100 most inspiring Black people

One hundred people in Bristol have been named on the first-ever BME powerlist


24 most inspiring Bristol young people under 24

This year’s list features another round of the city’s most impressive young people.


DUMMY MAG: Fred & Vanessa on their initiative ‘Don’t Keep Hush’

Fred Conybeare has launched Don’t Keep Hush, with DJ Vanessa Maria – an initiative aimed at tackling mental health in and around the music industry.


Sharing my favourite things in my favourite city


We chat to Vanessa Maria

The C word chats to me about the start up of my career, and the lessons I learned during lockdown and my career highlights to date


Q&A with Vanessa Maria

The sky is far from the limit for this young extraordinaire


Cosmopolitan: lockdown shifting womens views on life

For radio presenter and Foundation FM DJ Vanessa Maria, lockdown allowed time for reflection and illuminated her inner strength.